Saturday, August 17, 2019

and The God Created Vetiver

Extremely complex composition (+100 components), excellent fixative properties, amber brown and viscous liquid, perfect solubility to combine with others, one of the finest work of Mother Earth.

It is easy to say some impressive words about Vetiver oil once you smell that beauty, if you know her story, I assure you would be in love with her in the first sight/sniff.

Let’s start with some impressive features of vetiver plant, the aromatic verdancy, the fragrant rootiness, the subtle and refreshing citrusiness, the enjoyable earthiness, a wonderful hint of woodiness, and a certain Guerlainesque leathery-ambery darkness in the drydown.

Smell is from heaven, roots are in the Earth.
Scent of Vetiver oil is like a Symphony written by the Nature. It has a lot of strong accords such as Earthy, Citrusy, Woody, Balsamic, Herbal and Aromatic that are really hard to combine, yet with a great harmony like in an Orchestra.

OK. Lets start our story with the plant.


Botanical Name; Chrysopogon zizanioides, Vetiveria zizanioides

Family; Poaceaea

Common Name; Vetiver, Khus, KhusKhus, Cuscus

It is a perennial bunchgrass.

The plant is native to India, but is also cultivated in many tropical regions of the world including Indonesia, Haiti and China

Vetiver looks like Citronella, Lemongrass or Litsea Cubeba (all have busy green leaves, and green, citrusy and citral type odor) but Vetiver is waaaay different than them as a plant and odor. 

Plant is kinda tall 1.00-2.00 mt. and leaves are linear, erect, grassy and narrow 0.6-1 cm.

Even though you might think you can break it, Vetiver is strong and stiff, so you need more power than you think

We have to talk about Vetiver Roots separately.

Vetiver has strong, fibrous, binding roots.

Roots have aromatic properties and grow 4-6 mt deep.
Yes.. 4 to 6 meters down to the earth!!

Also tremendous diversity exists in root system with respect to pattern of growth, orientation and thickness of roots, as well as for occurrence of secondary roots.

Root system is amazingly structured and very strong.

Roots can grow upto 3-4 mt in a year. 

What an impatience nomad J

Quite impressive you think right? Keep on reading please..

Let me tell you how strong and useful that psychopath plant is;

  • The plant can be grown over a very wide range of climatic and soil conditions, and if planted correctly, it can be used virtually anywhere under tropical, semi-tropical, and Mediterranean climates. It has characteristics that are totally unique to a single species.
  • Resistant to a wide range of pH tolerance from about pH 3 to pH 11.
  • A high tolerance to most heavy metals, vetiver has an ability to remove from soil and water large quantities of excess nitrates, phosphates and farm chemicals!!
  • Thanks to its loooong and strong root system, it can persists deep water flow. Vetiver can survive up to two months under clear water. Attention lads&gents, under water!!
  • Shoots (sprout) growing from the underground crown so that the plant has a great resistance against FROST & FIRE! Can you die or not?
  • This unique sprouting system allows Vetiver to tolerate extreme temperature, traffic and heavy grazing pressure.
  • Vetiver grass is not affected to any significant extent by pesticides and diseases, nor does it act as a host for pests or diseases that might attack crop or garden plants..

Leave it be, this beauty is indestructible J

You think that Vetiver is giving its oil only, right? Well, you are wrong.

With these properties and characteristics above, Vetiver plant is used in many areas for different purposes and it is very important for many different fields.

I will not enter to these fields with long explanation since I would like to jump into OIL part but I must give you some headlines of these fields at least, to show some respect to Vetiver.

Some usage areas of Vetiver Plant;
  •           Agriculture
  •           Water conservation
  •           Construction site stabilization
  •           Pollution control (constructed welands)
  •           Reducing Soil Erosion
  •           Treatment of Waste Water
  •        Producing an Essential Oil (perfumery, medical applications, flavoring applications, food & beverages, cosmetic and soaps)
  •          Make Bio-mass
  •          Thatching and Weaving

Vetiver is the gifts of mother earth to humankind. That’s for sure!

"It's a miracle plant, You dig it up, cut off the roots, plant it right back and it produces again next year. It needs no irrigation or fertilizer."

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When correctly grown as a hedge, the roots bind with the earth forming an incredibly strong interlocked underground wall, stopping ground movement and slips. The hedge spreads surface water. The massive roots and dense foliage allow controlled drainage. These roots have been described as a living wall, a living filter strip and “live nail” reinforcement.


Now fun part! Here we go. J

Vetiver oil is an amber to grayish brown, olive brown or dark brown viscous liquid with an odor that is sweet and very heavy woody-earthy, reminiscent of roots and wet soil, with a rich undertone of precious wood notes.


Vetiver oil is obtained from roots of vetiver grass by steam distillation and hydro distillation.

Vetiver roots have an oil yield between 1 and 3%.

Let’s have a look at the process of cultivation à distillation step by step.

First the roots are dug up carefully.

Than cleaned and dried.

Then the roots are chopped and soaked in water 
before sending them to distillation.

Now we are ready for distillation.

The distillation is undertaken near the place of harvesting.

Distillation process can take up to 24 hours.

The air is bitter, becoming intense where the cloudy oil flows into barrels and before it is filtered by centrifuge into an amber-colored oil.


Vetiver oil is very persistent and one of the finest fixatives available to perfumers. 

Its complex chemical composition and oil odor, as well as its high solubility in alcohol which improves its miscibility with other perfumery materials, makes it a unique and valuable perfumery resource.

Vetiver is a more common ingredient in fragrances for men.

It is the main ingredient for more than 36% of all Western-quality perfumes and 20% of all men's fragrances in the world.

Vetiver oil is used not only as a fixative, but also as an odor contributor in bases such as fougère, chypre, modern woody-aldehydic or amberaldehydic bases, oriental bases, moss and woody notes, opoponax bases, rose bases, and so on.

A few fragrance companies have used vetiver oil as their prominent middle note, marketing these vetiver perfumes as masculine scents.

It is also a flavoring agent in beverages, sorbets and other foodstuffs.

A 15–30% solution of vetiver oil in alcohol is enough to make a true vetiver perfume, and its further dilutions have value as vetiver eau de cologne and eau de toilette.

In addition to its direct perfumery applications, vetiver oil in its diluted form is extensively used in aftershave lotions, air fresheners and bath products, as well as flavoring syrups, ice cream, cosmetics and food preservation.

The result is incredible 

The majority of the world’s perfumes contain this oil. Around 90% !!!


Total annual production of Vetiver Oil is around 250 MT.

Haiti is the main producer in the world with around 100 MT of production, followed by Indonesia with 80 MT.

China (20 MT), India (20 MT), Brazil (15 MT), Dominican Republic (12 MT) are also have their share in total production. Vietnam (3 MT), Madagascar (2 MT), Reunion (500 kg) and Nepal with 500 kg of production are adding their names into producers list.

Total value of Vetiver Oil market in 2018 is around 22M $.

Attention, it is only for Vetiver Oil market value. 


Well, here we are in the best (the most boring for some) part.

We will dive into Vetiver Oil and check what’s going on there.

For starting I must warn you guys, Vetiver Oil is one of the most complex and enigmatic oils known.

If you are still here, let’s go!

Chemical composition of vetiver oil is extremely complex. It has more than 100 identified constituents and guessed over 300 compounds consist of mainly sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene derivatives, of which vetiverols, their carbonyl compounds and esters are the main constituents.

In the chart you can see main components with their contents in the oil due to their origin.

benzoic acid
Sum of Alcohol
Sum of terpenes

Khusimone though found in small amounts in the oil, is the main molecule that provides the characteristic odor for vetiver.

α-Vetivone has a warm pleasant powerful odor
β-vetivone has a quinolin­elike, fruity (cassis, grapefruit) aroma with a woody by-note.
β-Vetivone also offers a quinolinelike, fruity aroma with a woody by-note,

2-methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine is considered as the source of green notes with other pyrazines that have been identified in vetiver oil.

Besides Vetiver Oil, we have to mention about alcohol derivatives of Vetiver Oil. Vetiverol is easy to separate by fractional distillation thanks to its clear-cut differences in boiling point.

Also, vetiverol could be acetylated with acetic anhydride to produce Vetiveryl Acetate.

Both vetiverols and acetates have softer odors and fixative qualities, and are used as blender with high-class perfumery products

Fragrance manufacturers generally prefer vetiver oil from Haiti. They appreciate the high purity of Haitian oil and the high concentrations of alpha and beta vetivones in comparison to, for example, Indian oil. These vetivones play a crucial role in the smell of the oil.

Vetiver oil needs hard labor-force and the oil is really expensive to produce.
500 bales equals to 600 kg of Vetiver roots to fill 20-foot stills, which will produce 4 kg of oil once it is harvested.
Using this system, five farmers working for about 15 days to complete the process.

Means that 125 workers work 1 month to produce 1 drum of Vetiver Oil (200 kg) !!


Vetiver plant is such a gift from Mother Nature. It is used for many application which are essentials for many industries including health, beauty, cosmetic, soil erosion, wellness, food and beverages etc.

50% of the world’s vetiver supply comes from Haiti in where living conditions are the worst in the hemisphere, and with many families earning barely $2 a day, roughly 30.000-60.000 farmers rely on vetiver roots as their primary source of income.

On-going effects from annual hurricanes and corrupt governments have created cumulative hardship for the population body, which results in wide-spread deforestation as over 90% of Haitians are reliant on biomass (primarily wood-based charcoal) for cooking fuel, cutting up to 12 million trees annually for the purpose.

The real owners of this fame comes from this beauty belongs to farmers who are putting their presents and future on it.

We must give the real value back to real owners!





Hope to see you with my next post. 

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